Upcoming admissions
All classes begin the week of March 3. The classes are listed in the order they need to be taken.
For example, you must have taken the "Foundations" class before you can take the "Life of Jesus" class.
If this is your first time signing up for RockU, you need to start with the "Foundations" class.
Foundations: Every Tuesdays 7pm - 8.30pm on zoom for 14 weeks. Sign up now
Life of Jesus: Every Thursday 7pm - 8.30pm on zoom for 14 weeks. Sign up now
Spiritual Identity: Every Tuesdays 7pm - 8.30pm on zoom for 14 weeks. Sign up now
Spiritual Discipline:Every Tuesdays 7pm - 8.30pm on zoom for 14 weeks. Sign up now
Meet Our Teachers
“ It was a favorite of mine, especially getting to examine Jesus’ life more in depth. It took us back to the basics which allowed me to cross-examine my understanding. Learning about the symbolism of things in the Bible that we often overlook was also interesting. There’s so much but it was eye-opening and fun.”
Why RockU?
- “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge...” Hosea 4:6 (NKJV)
- As the word of God says, the people of God are destroyed because they lack knowledge. Without knowledge of God and His promises as well as knowledge of who you are in Him, even though you are His child you are at a disadvantage. Due to this lack of knowledge, you will not have the tools and skills necessary to effectively fight the enemy, Satan.
- The classes offered at Rock University are designed to provide practical knowledge of biblical principles. You will not only learn what the bible has to say about life’s situations, you will learn the rubber-meets-the-road, practical applications of these biblical principles. You will get answers to your most basic questions like, “Who is the Holy Spirit?”, “Who is Jesus?”, “How/Why do I pray?”, etc. You will also get answers to the more complex questions like “Who am I and what is my purpose?”, “Is there a such thing as Godly sexuality?”, “What are the signs of the ‘End Times’?”, and so much more. The leading of the Holy Spirit, in conjunction with The Rock U classes, will provide you with knowledge that will enable you to gain the skills and tools necessary for you to live as God intends.
- Whether you are a new believer or a mature, seasoned believer, Yyou do not want to miss this wonderful opportunity for growth and continued transformation. . We are excited to have you join us on this journey of discovery.
- Gain Knowledge & Understanding
- Answers to Questions
- Gain Spiritual Skill
- Convenient Class Schedules
- Knowledgeable and Experienced Teachers
- Applicable information
Get in Touch
Service Times
Sunday Service
10amWednesday Bible Study
7pm (Zoom)Prayer Meeting
6am (Phone)Contact
1016 Broad St,
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone | Email
(201) 424-2976 | RockPlace.org@gmail.com