Foundations (Phase 1.1 - 13 weeks)

The Rock University Foundations class is the first step in the lifelong journey of gaining biblical knowledge. As the name implies it is the foundation on which the entire Rock U curriculum is built. In this phase you will explore the answers to questions like; ‘Who is God?’, ‘Who is Jesus and why did He come?’, ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’ ‘What is Baptism?’ and much, much more. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Rock U teachers you will establish a strong foundation for continuing Christian education.
Life of Jesus (Phase 1.2 - 14 weeks)

The Life of Jesus class is session two of the first phase of Rock U classes. In this class you will not only explore Jesus’ birth, ministry, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, but you will also learn of the many prophesies that foretell of the coming Messiah. You will gain in-depth knowledge of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom Character attained through a relationship with Him. The lessons culminate with the attainment of an understanding of your purpose as it relates to the Great Commission. You do not want to miss this meaningful learning opportunity.
Spiritual Discipline (Phase 2.1 - 13 weeks)

Phase 2 of our Rock U curriculum begins with the exploration of Spiritual Disciplines. This is accomplished through the discussion of biblical strategies for disciplining your life and praying strategically as well as learning to rely on the resources of God for discipleship empowerment.
Spiritual Identity (Phase 2.2 - 16 weeks)

Through this Rock U series, you will gain understanding of your spiritual identity in Christ. You will learn the scriptural truth of what God says about who you are in Him and how you fit into the “Big Picture”. This will enable you to refute the lies the enemy has told you about yourself. You will come to the knowledge of the power and capabilities that you have as a son of God. These knowledgeable facts will allow you to operate in truth and begin to live the life God intends for you to live.
The Mission (Phase 3.1 - 5 weeks)

The Mission series explores the actionable components of evangelism. It is designed to ensure that you understand the Great Commission and can effectively communicate the gospel message.
Spiritual Warfare (Phase 3.2 - 3 weeks)

As in all warfare, one key strategy is to know your enemy. In this Rock U series, you will learn who the real enemy is, Satan. You will learn what the Bible says about Satan and his objectives, strategies, authority, and limitations. You will then learn the weapons of Spiritual warfare. You will also learn that we already have victory in Jesus. You will explore the scriptures that affirm the authority we possess as believers in Christ and learn to exercise that authority. The bible declares that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore, all believers need to have on the armor of God and know how to engage in Spiritual Warfare. This series will provide you will the skills and knowledge needed to fight.
Living Your Faith (Phase 3.3 - 6 weeks)

The “Living Your Faith” series explores the practical applications of biblical principles. In this series you will discuss hearing from God, methods of discernment as well as responding & submitting to God. You will also learn how to apply the scriptures that address conflict resolution, how to forgive others and even how to navigate suffering. This series is the rubber meets the road, day to day application of living your faith.
Worship (Phase 3.4 - 2 weeks)

The bible declares that those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. What does it mean to worship in Spirit? What does it mean to worship in Truth? Why do we worship God? Why is music such an integral part of worship? Is there a difference between praise and worship? In this series you will learn the answers to these questions and many more. Through the lessons of this series, you will gain a deeper purpose and insight into your worship experience
Get in Touch
Service Times
Sunday Service
10amWednesday Bible Study
7pm (Zoom)Prayer Meeting
6am (Phone)Contact
1016 Broad St,
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone | Email
(201) 424-2976 | RockPlace.org@gmail.com